Mummy: Today Schuyler took nap with me on my bed. I find that he can nap longer when he nap on my bed, nap 2.5hrs. After milk, he still continue to nap. Since he nap quite alot during the daytime, I was expecting him to sleep late tonight. But he KO around 8.30pm. That's good, but I'm expecting him to wake up around midnight for milk.
His night sleeping time is around 9.30pm and will wake up for milk around 5am. It's pretty good as I can have a good night sleep (though I feel super tired when I woke up to feed him). Hopefully his sleeping time remains at around 9+ every night.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Posted by
9:46 PM
Labels: behaviour
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
2mths old "neo-print"
To be exact, I'm already 10wks old. But Mummy says 4 weeks is not equal to 1 month as there are some months which has 5wks.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: photo of the wk/mth
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Recongising faces
Schuyler can recongise faces, especially mine, needless to say. Whenever he cries or make noise and we approached him, he will sort of "complain" by trying to make some sound or smile to us. I'm able to see his smile more and more often as he grows up.
Posted by
9:02 PM
Labels: behaviour
Daddy & Mummy bought this rocker for me today. They can't find the one that they like, so end up bought this one for me.
Once we reached home, Daddy quickly set up the rocker so that I can sit on it.
Posted by
4:43 PM
Labels: new toys/clothings
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Sit on pram
I can only lie down on the pram as I can't sit. Today mummy adjust the angle and let me "sit" on the pram for a short while. I'm so happy, cos I can get to see more things.
Posted by
7:55 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Echo Cries
Mummy: Today we went to Compasspoint for lunch. After a few scoops of rice, BB Schuyler cried for milk. I made milk for him and hubby quickly finished his lunch so he can take over from me. After BB Schuyler finished his milk, we went to Metro for a walk. 10minutes later, Schuyler poo and I went to the nursing room to change diaper for him. After changing we continue to walk around the shopping mall and hubby saw a pair of shorts. I went to cashier to make payment and suddenly I heard very loud cries. It's from Schuyler. His cries are getting louder and louder and I can hear echoes. I saw hubby quickly pushed the pram to a corner and make milk for him. Schuyler must be hungry after the poo-ing. Many passer-by paused and look at hubby and Schuyler. I quickly ran towards hubby and saw 2 sales associate of a jewelry shop standing at the front of the shop, should be gossiping about hubby and Schuyler. Hahaa.. I think they must be saying poor baby cry so loud!
Posted by
1:55 PM
Labels: behaviour
Mummy wanted to get a rocker/bouncer for me so that I can "sit" at the living room while she's watching tv. So today we went down to Kiddy Palace to find out the price. The "traditional" net rocker/bouncer costs $20+++ but Daddy don't like it. Daddy saw this rocker @ Kiddy Palace and thought of buying for me. It costs $149 but I had some Robinsons voucher so can use the vouchers to buy. This is a newborn-to-toddler portable rocker so 姐姐 can also sit on it. But seems like Robinsons is not carrying this product. :(
Posted by
1:19 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Cot Toy
I'm looking at the sheep going round and round, Mummy is hoping to make me feel dizzy and then sleepy....
Posted by
12:44 PM
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Mummy: I had no choice but to make this decision to introduce pacifier to Schuyler. Schuyler is a very light sleeper so he can be asleep for 5mins and woke up and it's hard to make him sleep back again. So I gave him pacifier when this happens and it does helps. But I don't wish that he continues to suck with pacifier after he turns one year old. So I got to slowly quit his habit of sucking to the pacifier after he's 6 or 9mths old.
Posted by
1:36 PM
Labels: behaviour
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Safari Boy
Daddy & Mummy brought me to the zoo. This trip is more for 姐姐 cos I really don't know how to appreciate. Mummy let me wear the Safari romper that Eileen Yi Yi bought for me. Mummy's friend who worked at zoo saw my outfit and say I'm a Safari boy. :P
Half through the trip I felt hungry and Mummy fed me with milk. The weather is hot. The bench that Mummy sat on got ants and Mummy can't sit still to feed me with milk. The ants were crawling up her feet and bite her toes. Ouch! The weather gets better as it's near to the evening, but this also means we got to make our way out of zoo as it's going to be closed. Bye zoo, Daddy said he will bring me to the zoo again next year.
Posted by
6:41 PM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Pixs update with 姐姐
Mummy: Chloe is pestering me to take pixs of her and Schuyler. Erm Schuyler is not in the mood as I think he's hungry. I told Chloe to wait but she don't want to wait.
Chloe started to pose while Schuyler starts to cry:
Chloe put her hands to cover Schuyler's mouth, thinking that will make him stop crying:I asked Chloe to stop doing that as Schuyler might not be able to breath:
Posted by
9:27 PM
Labels: together with sis
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Me & 姐姐 Hippo
Taking a pix together with 姐姐's beloved Hippo (she hugs & sleep with Hippo every night). Hopefully she won't be angry with me. Anyway it's Mummy who put me together with Hippo, not my fault. :P
Posted by
4:22 PM
I got 1 dimple
I had 1 dimple on the left side of my mouth. The dimple don't appear unless I make some weird face out. :P
Posted by
4:21 PM