Sunday, December 21, 2008


Mummy: Initially I took these photos wanting to show how big his tummy is. Looks pregnant but end up the focus is on the balloon, he bite on the balloon and it burst.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bubble fun

Mummy: Schuyler enjoys playing with bubbles. Chloe was blowing the bubbles and Schuyler was busy catching the bubbles.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Barney & Elmo

Mummy: I believed childcare do allow Schuyler to watch Barney and Elmo shows.. as he recognize Barney and Elmo. Not only that, he also recognize cars and he will say "vroom vroom"... I showed him the toyrus booklet and asked him to point out Barney, Elmo and cars to me. He can do it.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Mummy: Schuyler can called out to "Daddy" and "姐姐". But he just don't call "mama" :(

Monday, December 8, 2008


Mummy: Always had a hard time asking Schuyler to look at the camera and smile. Finally, he's in the mood today.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Very bad tempered

Mummy: Schuyler is very bad tempered... I can foresee he's becoming like his own daddy.
When I say/scold him and he is unhappy, he will lie down flat on his stomach on the floor and cry. He will refused to stand/sit up until I really go and carry him up. How to educate him??

Monday, December 1, 2008

No more

Mummy: Schuyler blurted out "no more"...

Quit Pacifier

Mummy: I was amazed by how Schuyler managed to quit his habit of "eating" pacifier.
I went to ask his Teachers at the childcare to find out how they manage to do it. End up they ask me about it. And the story goes....

Long ago I attached a clip to the pacifier so that I can attached the pacifier to his clothing. Recently he have the habit of pulling the clip when he know that it's attached to his clothing so I might as well remove the clip. After I remove the clip, Schuyler don't recognize it as his pacifier so he refused to have his pacifier. And this is how he quit!! Amazing right? It took less than 1 day :P

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