Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Very bad tempered

Mummy: Schuyler is very bad tempered... I can foresee he's becoming like his own daddy.
When I say/scold him and he is unhappy, he will lie down flat on his stomach on the floor and cry. He will refused to stand/sit up until I really go and carry him up. How to educate him??


icy said...

aiyo, like that jialat.. actually did u ever beat your baby? I mean just on the bum?

ML said...

Hahaa.. i already lost count.

Eunice said...

Just like my boy too...
dunno wat to do. if u found a way to deal on this, do let me know :)

dawne said...

he's still young...dun worry. i'm sure he will abandon this trait (lying on his stomach and cry) when he gets more socially aware that pple are staring :)

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